% Journals % First the Full Name is given, then the abbreviation used in the AMS Math % Reviews, with an indication if it could not be found there. % Note the 2nd overwrites the 1st, so swap them if you want the full name. %{AMS} @String{AMSTrans = "American Mathematical Society Translations" } @String{AMSTrans = "Amer. Math. Soc. Transl." } @String{BullAMS = "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society" } @String{BullAMS = "Bull. Amer. Math. Soc." } @String{ProcAMS = "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society" } @String{ProcAMS = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc." } @String{TransAMS = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society" } @String{TransAMS = "Trans. Amer. Math. Soc." } %ACM @String{CACM = "Communications of the {ACM}" } @String{CACM = "Commun. {ACM}" } @String{CompServ = "Comput. Surveys" } @String{JACM = "J. ACM" } @String{ACMMathSoft = "{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software" } @String{ACMMathSoft = "{ACM} Trans. Math. Software" } @String{SIGNUM = "{ACM} {SIGNUM} Newsletter" } @String{SIGNUM = "{ACM} {SIGNUM} Newslett." } @String{AmerSocio = "American Journal of Sociology" } @String{AmerStatAssoc = "Journal of the American Statistical Association" } @String{AmerStatAssoc = "J. Amer. Statist. Assoc." } @String{ApplMathComp = "Applied Mathematics and Computation" } @String{ApplMathComp = "Appl. Math. Comput." } @String{AmerMathMonthly = "American Mathematical Monthly" } @String{AmerMathMonthly = "Amer. Math. Monthly" } @String{BIT = "{BIT}" } @String{BritStatPsych = "British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology" } @String{BritStatPsych = "Brit. J. Math. Statist. Psych." } @String{CanMathBull = "Canadian Mathematical Bulletin" } @String{CanMathBull = "Canad. Math. Bull." } @String{CompApplMath = "Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics" } @String{CompApplMath = "J. Comput. Appl. Math." } @String{CompPhys = "Journal of Computational Physics" } @String{CompPhys = "J. Comput. Phys." } @String{CompStruct = "Computers and Structures" } @String{CompStruct = "Comput. \& Structures" } @String{CompJour = "The Computer Journal" } @String{CompJour = "Comput. J." } @String{CompSysSci = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences" } @String{CompSysSci = "J. Comput. System Sci." } @String{Computing = "Computing" } @String{ContempMath = "Contemporary Mathematics" } @String{ContempMath = "Contemp. Math." } @String{Crelle = "Crelle's Journal" } @String{GiornaleMath = "Giornale di Mathematiche" } @String{GiornaleMath = "Giorn. Mat." } % didn't find in AMS MR., ibid. %IEEE @String{Computer = "{IEEE} Computer" } @String{IEEETransComp = "{IEEE} Transactions on Computers" } @String{IEEETransComp = "{IEEE} Trans. Comput." } @String{IEEETransAC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Automatic Control" } @String{IEEETransAC = "{IEEE} Trans. Automat. Control" } @String{IEEESpec = "{IEEE} Spectrum" } % didn't find in AMS MR @String{ProcIEEE = "Proceedings of the {IEEE}" } @String{ProcIEEE = "Proc. {IEEE}" } % didn't find in AMS MR @String{IEEETransAeroElec = "{IEEE} Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems" } @String{IEEETransAeroElec = "{IEEE} Trans. Aerospace Electron. Systems" } @String{IMANumerAna = "{IMA} Journal of Numerical Analysis" } @String{IMANumerAna = "{IMA} J. Numer. Anal." } @String{InfProcLet = "Information Processing Letters" } @String{InfProcLet = "Inform. Process. Lett." } @String{InstMathApp = "Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications" } @String{InstMathApp = "J. Inst. Math. Appl." } @String{IntControl = "International Journal of Control" } @String{IntControl = "Internat. J. Control" } @String{IntNumerEng = "International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering" } @String{IntNumerEng = "Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg." } @String{IntSuper = "International Journal of Supercomputing Applications" } @String{IntSuper = "Internat. J. Supercomputing Applic." } % didn't find %% in AMS MR @String{Kibernetika = "Kibernetika" } @String{JResNatBurStand = "Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards" } @String{JResNatBurStand = "J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards" } @String{LinAlgApp = "Linear Algebra and its Applications" } @String{LinAlgApp = "Linear Algebra Appl." } @String{MathAnaAppl = "Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications" } @String{MathAnaAppl = "J. Math. Anal. Appl." } @String{MathAnnalen = "Mathematische Annalen" } @String{MathAnnalen = "Math. Ann." } @String{MathPhys = "Journal of Mathematical Physics" } @String{MathPhys = "J. Math. Phys." } @String{MathComp = "Mathematics of Computation" } @String{MathComp = "Math. Comp." } @String{MathScand = "Mathematica Scandinavica" } @String{MathScand = "Math. Scand." } @String{TablesAidsComp = "Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation" } @String{TablesAidsComp = "Math. Tables Aids Comput." } @String{NumerMath = "Numerische Mathematik" } @String{NumerMath = "Numer. Math." } @String{PacificMath = "Pacific Journal of Mathematics" } @String{PacificMath = "Pacific J. Math." } @String{ParDistComp = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing" } @String{ParDistComp = "J. Parallel and Distrib. Comput." } % didn't find %% in AMS MR @String{ParComputing = "Parallel Computing" } @String{ParComputing = "Parallel Comput." } @String{PhilMag = "Philosophical Magazine" } @String{PhilMag = "Philos. Mag." } @String{ProcNAS = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA" } @String{ProcNAS = "Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A." } @String{Psychometrika = "Psychometrika" } @String{QuartMath = "Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford, Series (2)" } @String{QuartMath = "Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2)" } @String{QuartApplMath = "Quarterly of Applied Mathematics" } @String{QuartApplMath = "Quart. Appl. Math." } @String{RevueInstStat = "Review of the International Statisical Institute" } @String{RevueInstStat = "Rev. Inst. Internat. Statist." } %SIAM @String{JSIAM = "Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics" } @String{JSIAM = "J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math." } @String{JSIAMB = "Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Series B, Numerical Analysis" } @String{JSIAMB = "J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. Ser. B Numer. Anal." } @String{SIAMAlgMeth = "{SIAM} Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods" } @String{SIAMAlgMeth = "{SIAM} J. Algebraic Discrete Methods" } @String{SIAMAppMath = "{SIAM} Journal on Applied Mathematics" } @String{SIAMAppMath = "{SIAM} J. Appl. Math." } @String{SIAMComp = "{SIAM} Journal on Computing" } @String{SIAMComp = "{SIAM} J. Comput." } @String{SIAMMatrix = "{SIAM} Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications" } @String{SIAMMatrix = "{SIAM} J. Matrix Anal. Appl." } @String{SIAMNumAnal = "{SIAM} Journal on Numerical Analysis" } @String{SIAMNumAnal = "{SIAM} J. Numer. Anal." } @String{SIAMReview = "{SIAM} Review" } @String{SIAMReview = "{SIAM} Rev." } @String{SIAMSciStat = "{SIAM} Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing" } @String{SIAMSciStat = "{SIAM} J. Sci. Statist. Comput." } @String{SoftPracExp = "Software Practice and Experience" } @String{SoftPracExp = "Software Prac. Experience" } % didn't find in AMS MR @String{StatScience = "Statistical Science" } @String{StatScience = "Statist. Sci." } @String{Techno = "Technometrics" } @String{USSRCompMathPhys = "{USSR} Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics" } @String{USSRCompMathPhys = "{U. S. S. R.} Comput. Math. and Math. Phys." } @String{VLSICompSys = "Journal of {VLSI} and Computer Systems" } @String{VLSICompSys = "J. {VLSI} Comput. Syst." } @String{ZAngewMathMech = "Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik" } @String{ZAngewMathMech = "Z. Angew. Math. Mech." } @String{ZAngewMathPhys = "Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik" } @String{ZAngewMathPhys = "Z. Angew. Math. Phys." } % Publishers % ================================================= | @String{Academic = "Academic Press" } @String{ACMPress = "{ACM} Press" } @String{AdamHilger = "Adam Hilger" } @String{AddisonWesley = "Addison-Wesley" } @String{AllynBacon = "Allyn and Bacon" } @String{AMS = "American Mathematical Society" } @String{Birkhauser = "Birkha{\"u}ser" } @String{CambridgePress = "Cambridge University Press" } @String{Chelsea = "Chelsea" } @String{ClaredonPress = "Claredon Press" } @String{DoverPub = "Dover Publications" } @String{Eyolles = "Eyolles" } @String{HoltRinehartWinston = "Holt, Rinehart and Winston" } @String{Interscience = "Interscience" } @String{JohnsHopkinsPress = "The Johns Hopkins University Press" } @String{JohnWileySons = "John Wiley and Sons" } @String{Macmillan = "Macmillan" } @String{MathWorks = "The Math Works Inc." } @String{McGrawHill = "McGraw-Hill" } @String{NatBurStd = "National Bureau of Standards" } @String{NorthHolland = "North-Holland" } @String{OxfordPress = "Oxford University Press" } %address Oxford or London? @String{PergamonPress = "Pergamon Press" } @String{PlenumPress = "Plenum Press" } @String{PrenticeHall = "Prentice-Hall" } @String{SIAMPub = "{SIAM} Publications" } @String{Springer = "Springer-Verlag" } @String{TexasPress = "University of Texas Press" } @String{VanNostrand = "Van Nostrand" } @String{WHFreeman = "W. H. Freeman and Co." } %Entries @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/nips/BrownMRSKDNSSAA20, author = {Tom B. 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title = {ReACC: {A} Retrieval-Augmented Code Completion Framework}, booktitle = {ACL}, year = {2022} } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/acl/Liu22, title = "Uni-Parser: Unified Semantic Parser for Question Answering on Knowledge Base and Database", author = "Liu, Ye and Yavuz, Semih and Meng, Rui and Radev, Dragomir and Xiong, Caiming and Zhou, Yingbo", editor = "Goldberg, Yoav and Kozareva, Zornitsa and Zhang, Yue", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing", month = dec, year = "2022", address = "Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.emnlp-main.605/", doi = "10.18653/v1/2022.emnlp-main.605", pages = "8858--8869", abstract = "Parsing natural language questions into executable logical forms is a useful and interpretable way to perform question answering on structured data such as knowledge bases (KB) or databases (DB). However, existing approaches on semantic parsing cannot adapt to both modalities, as they suffer from the exponential growth of the logical form candidates and can hardly generalize to unseen data.In this work, we propose Uni-Parser, a unified semantic parser for question answering (QA) on both KB and DB. We define the primitive (relation and entity in KB, and table name, column name and cell value in DB) as the essential element in our framework. The number of primitives grows only at a linear rate to the number of retrieved relations in KB and DB, preventing us from exponential logic form candidates. We leverage the generator to predict final logical forms by altering and composing top-ranked primitives with different operations (e.g. select, where, count). With sufficiently pruned search space by a contrastive primitive ranker, the generator is empowered to capture the composition of primitives enhancing its generalization ability. We achieve competitive results on multiple KB and DB QA benchmarks with more efficiency, especially in the compositional and zero-shot settings." } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/eacl/YangDCC23, author = {Zonglin Yang and Xinya Du and Erik Cambria and others}, title = {End-to-end Case-Based Reasoning for Commonsense Knowledge Base Completion}, booktitle = {EACL}, year = {2023} } @inproceedings{shi2023retrieval, author={Shi, Wenqi and Zhuang, Yuchen and Zhu, Yuanda and others}, title={Retrieval-augmented large language models for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients in shared decision-making}, booktitle={ACM-BCB}, year={2023} } @inproceedings{casanova2021instance, title={Instance-conditioned gan}, author={Casanova, Arantxa and Careil, Marlene and Verbeek, Jakob and others}, booktitle={NeurIPS}, year={2021} } @article{Bertsch2023UnlimiformerLT, author = {Amanda Bertsch and Uri Alon and Graham Neubig and Matthew R. 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