{ "layout": { "type": "layout", "pages": [ "panel", "menu" ], "panel": { "type": "page", "title": "Panel", "sections": [ "panel-appear", "panel-behave" ] }, "menu": { "type": "page", "title": "Menu", "sections": [ "menu-layout", "menu-behave" ] }, "panel-appear": { "type": "section", "title": "Appearance", "keys": [ "menu-custom", "menu-icon", "menu-icon-size", "menu-label" ] }, "panel-behave": { "type": "section", "title": "Behavior", "keys": [ "overlay-key", "activate-on-hover", "hover-delay", "force-show-panel", "enable-animation" ] }, "menu-layout": { "type": "section", "title": "Layout and content", "keys": [ "restrict-menu-height", "menu-height", "show-category-icons", "category-icon-size", "show-application-icons", "application-icon-size", "favbox-show", "fav-icon-size", "show-places", "show-recents", "menu-editor-button" ] }, "menu-behave": { "type": "section", "title": "Behavior", "keys": [ "category-hover", "enable-autoscroll", "search-filesystem" ] } }, "overlay-key": { "type": "keybinding", "description": "Keyboard shortcut to open and close the menu", "default": "Super_L::Super_R", "value": "Super_L::Super_R" }, "menu-custom": { "type": "switch", "default": false, "description": "Use a custom icon and label", "tooltip": "Check this to specify a custom icon and label", "value": false }, "menu-icon": { "type": "iconfilechooser", "default": "cinnamon-symbolic", "description": "Icon", "tooltip": "Select an icon to show in the panel.", "default_icon": "cinnamon-symbolic", "dependency": "menu-custom", "value": "cinnamon-symbolic" }, "menu-icon-size": { "type": "spinbutton", "default": 32, "min": 16, "max": 96, "step": 1, "units": "px", "description": "Icon size", "dependency": "menu-custom", "value": 32 }, "menu-label": { "type": "entry", "default": "Menu", "description": "Text", "tooltip": "Enter custom text to show in the panel.", "dependency": "menu-custom", "value": "Menu" }, "restrict-menu-height": { "type": "switch", "default": false, "description": "Use a fixed menu height", "tooltip": "Keep the size of the menu the same no matter how many favorites or categories there are.", "value": false }, "menu-height": { "type": "spinbutton", "default": 550, "min": 300, "max": 2000, "step": 10, "units": "px", "description": "Menu height", "dependency": "restrict-menu-height", "value": 550 }, "show-category-icons": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Show category icons", "tooltip": "Choose whether or not to show icons on categories.", "value": true }, "category-icon-size": { "type": "spinbutton", "default": 22, "min": 16, "max": 48, "step": 1, "units": "px", "description": "Categories icon size", "dependency": "show-category-icons", "value": 22 }, "show-application-icons": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Show application icons", "tooltip": "Choose whether or not to show icons on applications.", "value": true }, "application-icon-size": { "type": "spinbutton", "default": 22, "min": 16, "max": 48, "step": 1, "units": "px", "description": "Applications icon size", "dependency": "show-application-icons", "value": 22 }, "favbox-show": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Show favorites and session buttons", "tooltip": "Choose whether or not to show the left pane of the menu.", "value": true }, "fav-icon-size": { "type": "spinbutton", "default": 32, "min": 16, "max": 64, "step": 1, "units": "px", "description": "Favorites icon size", "dependency": "favbox-show", "value": 32 }, "show-favorites": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Show favorites", "tooltip": "Choose whether or not to show favorite files in the menu.", "value": true }, "show-places": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Show bookmarks and places", "tooltip": "Choose whether or not to show bookmarks and places in the menu.", "value": true }, "show-recents": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Show recents", "tooltip": "Choose whether or not to show recents in the menu.", "value": true }, "category-hover": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Change categories on hover", "tooltip": "Choose whether or not to change categories by hovering.", "value": true }, "enable-autoscroll": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Enable autoscrolling in application list", "tooltip": "Choose whether or not to enable smooth autoscrolling in the application list.", "value": true }, "search-filesystem": { "type": "switch", "default": false, "description": "Enable filesystem path entry in search box", "tooltip": "Allows path entry in the menu search box.", "value": false }, "force-show-panel": { "type": "switch", "default": true, "description": "Force the panel to be visible when opening the menu", "tooltip": "Opening the menu will also show the main panel (which may be auto-hidden).", "value": true }, "activate-on-hover": { "type": "switch", "default": false, "description": "Open the menu when I move my mouse over it", "tooltip": "Enable opening the menu when the mouse enters the applet", "value": false }, "hover-delay": { "type": "spinbutton", "default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 50, "units": "milliseconds", "dependency": "activate-on-hover", "description": "Menu hover delay", "tooltip": "Delay before the menu opens when hovered", "value": 0 }, "enable-animation": { "type": "switch", "default": false, "description": "Use menu animations", "tooltip": "Allow the menu to animate on open and close", "value": false }, "menu-editor-button": { "type": "button", "description": "Open the menu editor", "callback": "_launch_editor", "tooltip": "Press this button to customize your menu entries." }, "__md5__": "38c9122e36f6267fae12706a694ac35f" }