# hugo-theme-even A super concise theme for Hugo > It's a port of the [hexo-theme-even](https://github.com/ahonn/hexo-theme-even) [Demo](https://blog.olowolo.com/example-site/) | [中文说明](https://github.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even/blob/master/README-zh.md) ## Screenshots ![even-screenshots](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Feature - Responsive - Fancybox - Config license for content - highlight.js - Custom theme color - mathjax ## Installation ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even themes/even ``` ## Configuration Copy the `config.toml` file from the `exampleSite` directory to your site directory and change it. ### More Configuration - **favicon.ico:** Just put your favicon.ico under the `/static` directory if you want to change the default favicon.ico. - **Front matter:** Copy the `default.md` file from the `archetypes` directory to your `archetypes`. - **Language:** Language files are under `/themes/even/data/even/` directory. Create a new directory `even` under your `data` directory and copy the `default.toml` to your `/data/even/`, and then you can change it if you want. - **Theme color:** Default | Mint Green | Cobalt Blue | Hot Pink | Dark Violet You can config it by change the `$theme-color-config` value in `/src/css/_variable.scss`. ### Build if you change any file under `/src/`, you need to rebuild. ```bash cd ./themes/even/src/ npm install npm start ``` ## License Released under the [MIT](https://github.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even/blob/master/LICENSE.md) License. ## Acknowledgements - [ananke](https://github.com/budparr/gohugo-theme-ananke) - [hexo-theme-even](https://github.com/ahonn/hexo-theme-even) - [hugo-nuo](https://github.com/laozhu/hugo-nuo)