#include "common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) #include #include #endif #if defined(_WIN32) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define NOMINMAX #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #endif int32_t get_num_physical_cores() { #ifdef __linux__ std::ifstream cpuinfo("/proc/cpuinfo"); std::string line; while (std::getline(cpuinfo, line)) { std::size_t pos = line.find("cpu cores"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { pos = line.find(": ", pos); if (pos != std::string::npos) { try { // Extract the number and return it return static_cast(std::stoul(line.substr(pos + 2))); } catch (const std::invalid_argument &) { // Ignore if we could not parse } } } } #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) int32_t num_physical_cores; size_t len = sizeof(num_physical_cores); int result = sysctlbyname("hw.perflevel0.physicalcpu", &num_physical_cores, &len, NULL, 0); if (result == 0) { return num_physical_cores; } result = sysctlbyname("hw.physicalcpu", &num_physical_cores, &len, NULL, 0); if (result == 0) { return num_physical_cores; } #elif defined(_WIN32) //TODO: Implement #endif unsigned int n_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); return n_threads > 0 ? (n_threads <= 4 ? n_threads : n_threads / 2) : 4; } void process_escapes(std::string& input) { std::size_t input_len = input.length(); std::size_t output_idx = 0; for (std::size_t input_idx = 0; input_idx < input_len; ++input_idx) { if (input[input_idx] == '\\' && input_idx + 1 < input_len) { switch (input[++input_idx]) { case 'n': input[output_idx++] = '\n'; break; case 'r': input[output_idx++] = '\r'; break; case 't': input[output_idx++] = '\t'; break; case '\'': input[output_idx++] = '\''; break; case '\"': input[output_idx++] = '\"'; break; case '\\': input[output_idx++] = '\\'; break; default: input[output_idx++] = '\\'; input[output_idx++] = input[input_idx]; break; } } else { input[output_idx++] = input[input_idx]; } } input.resize(output_idx); } bool gpt_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, gpt_params & params) { bool invalid_param = false; bool escape_prompt = false; std::string arg; gpt_params default_params; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { arg = argv[i]; if (arg == "-s" || arg == "--seed") { #if defined(GGML_USE_CUBLAS) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: when using cuBLAS generation results are NOT guaranteed to be reproducible.\n"); #endif if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.seed = std::stoi(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "-t" || arg == "--threads") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.n_threads = std::stoi(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "-p" || arg == "--prompt") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.prompt = argv[i]; } else if (arg == "-e") { escape_prompt = true; } else if (arg == "--session") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.path_session = argv[i]; } else if (arg == "-f" || arg == "--file") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } std::ifstream file(argv[i]); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to open file '%s'\n", argv[i]); invalid_param = true; break; } std::copy(std::istreambuf_iterator(file), std::istreambuf_iterator(), back_inserter(params.prompt)); if (params.prompt.back() == '\n') { params.prompt.pop_back(); } } else if (arg == "-n" || arg == "--n_predict") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.n_predict = std::stoi(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--top_k") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.top_k = std::stoi(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "-c" || arg == "--ctx_size") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.n_ctx = std::stoi(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--memory_f32") { params.memory_f16 = false; } else if (arg == "--top_p") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.top_p = std::stof(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--temp") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.temp = std::stof(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--tfs") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.tfs_z = std::stof(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--typical") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.typical_p = std::stof(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--repeat_last_n") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.repeat_last_n = std::stoi(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--repeat_penalty") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.repeat_penalty = std::stof(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--frequency_penalty") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.frequency_penalty = std::stof(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--presence_penalty") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.presence_penalty = std::stof(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--mirostat") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.mirostat = std::stoi(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--mirostat_lr") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.mirostat_eta = std::stof(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--mirostat_ent") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.mirostat_tau = std::stof(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "-b" || arg == "--batch_size") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.n_batch = std::stoi(argv[i]); params.n_batch = std::min(512, params.n_batch); } else if (arg == "--keep") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.n_keep = std::stoi(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "-m" || arg == "--model") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.model = argv[i]; } else if (arg == "--lora") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.lora_adapter = argv[i]; params.use_mmap = false; } else if (arg == "--lora-base") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.lora_base = argv[i]; } else if (arg == "-i" || arg == "--interactive") { params.interactive = true; } else if (arg == "--embedding") { params.embedding = true; } else if (arg == "--interactive-first") { params.interactive_first = true; } else if (arg == "-ins" || arg == "--instruct") { params.instruct = true; } else if (arg == "--multiline-input") { params.multiline_input = true; } else if (arg == "--color") { params.use_color = true; } else if (arg == "--mlock") { params.use_mlock = true; } else if (arg == "--no-mmap") { params.use_mmap = false; } else if (arg == "--mtest") { params.mem_test = true; } else if (arg == "--verbose-prompt") { params.verbose_prompt = true; } else if (arg == "-r" || arg == "--reverse-prompt") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.antiprompt.push_back(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "--perplexity") { params.perplexity = true; } else if (arg == "--ignore-eos") { params.logit_bias[llama_token_eos()] = -INFINITY; } else if (arg == "--no-penalize-nl") { params.penalize_nl = false; } else if (arg == "-l" || arg == "--logit-bias") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } std::stringstream ss(argv[i]); llama_token key; char sign; std::string value_str; try { if (ss >> key && ss >> sign && std::getline(ss, value_str) && (sign == '+' || sign == '-')) { params.logit_bias[key] = std::stof(value_str) * ((sign == '-') ? -1.0f : 1.0f); } else { throw std::exception(); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { invalid_param = true; break; } } else if (arg == "--n_parts") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.n_parts = std::stoi(argv[i]); } else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") { gpt_print_usage(argc, argv, default_params); exit(0); } else if (arg == "--random-prompt") { params.random_prompt = true; } else if (arg == "--in-prefix") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.input_prefix = argv[i]; } else if (arg == "--in-suffix") { if (++i >= argc) { invalid_param = true; break; } params.input_suffix = argv[i]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown argument: %s\n", arg.c_str()); gpt_print_usage(argc, argv, default_params); exit(1); } } if (invalid_param) { fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid parameter for argument: %s\n", arg.c_str()); gpt_print_usage(argc, argv, default_params); exit(1); } if (escape_prompt) { process_escapes(params.prompt); } return true; } void gpt_print_usage(int /*argc*/, char ** argv, const gpt_params & params) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [options]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -h, --help show this help message and exit\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -i, --interactive run in interactive mode\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --interactive-first run in interactive mode and wait for input right away\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -ins, --instruct run in instruction mode (use with Alpaca models)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --multiline-input allows you to write or paste multiple lines without ending each in '\\'\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -r PROMPT, --reverse-prompt PROMPT\n"); fprintf(stderr, " run in interactive mode and poll user input upon seeing PROMPT (can be\n"); fprintf(stderr, " specified more than once for multiple prompts).\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --color colorise output to distinguish prompt and user input from generations\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -s SEED, --seed SEED RNG seed (default: -1, use random seed for < 0)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -t N, --threads N number of threads to use during computation (default: %d)\n", params.n_threads); fprintf(stderr, " -p PROMPT, --prompt PROMPT\n"); fprintf(stderr, " prompt to start generation with (default: empty)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -e process prompt escapes sequences (\\n, \\r, \\t, \\', \\\", \\\\)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --session FNAME file to cache model state in (may be large!) (default: none)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --random-prompt start with a randomized prompt.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --in-prefix STRING string to prefix user inputs with (default: empty)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --in-suffix STRING string to suffix after user inputs with (default: empty)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -f FNAME, --file FNAME\n"); fprintf(stderr, " prompt file to start generation.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -n N, --n_predict N number of tokens to predict (default: %d, -1 = infinity)\n", params.n_predict); fprintf(stderr, " --top_k N top-k sampling (default: %d, 0 = disabled)\n", params.top_k); fprintf(stderr, " --top_p N top-p sampling (default: %.1f, 1.0 = disabled)\n", (double)params.top_p); fprintf(stderr, " --tfs N tail free sampling, parameter z (default: %.1f, 1.0 = disabled)\n", (double)params.tfs_z); fprintf(stderr, " --typical N locally typical sampling, parameter p (default: %.1f, 1.0 = disabled)\n", (double)params.typical_p); fprintf(stderr, " --repeat_last_n N last n tokens to consider for penalize (default: %d, 0 = disabled, -1 = ctx_size)\n", params.repeat_last_n); fprintf(stderr, " --repeat_penalty N penalize repeat sequence of tokens (default: %.1f, 1.0 = disabled)\n", (double)params.repeat_penalty); fprintf(stderr, " --presence_penalty N repeat alpha presence penalty (default: %.1f, 0.0 = disabled)\n", (double)params.presence_penalty); fprintf(stderr, " --frequency_penalty N repeat alpha frequency penalty (default: %.1f, 0.0 = disabled)\n", (double)params.frequency_penalty); fprintf(stderr, " --mirostat N use Mirostat sampling.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Top K, Nucleus, Tail Free and Locally Typical samplers are ignored if used.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " (default: %d, 0 = disabled, 1 = Mirostat, 2 = Mirostat 2.0)\n", params.mirostat); fprintf(stderr, " --mirostat_lr N Mirostat learning rate, parameter eta (default: %.1f)\n", (double)params.mirostat_eta); fprintf(stderr, " --mirostat_ent N Mirostat target entropy, parameter tau (default: %.1f)\n", (double)params.mirostat_tau); fprintf(stderr, " -l TOKEN_ID(+/-)BIAS, --logit-bias TOKEN_ID(+/-)BIAS\n"); fprintf(stderr, " modifies the likelihood of token appearing in the completion,\n"); fprintf(stderr, " i.e. `--logit-bias 15043+1` to increase likelihood of token ' Hello',\n"); fprintf(stderr, " or `--logit-bias 15043-1` to decrease likelihood of token ' Hello'\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -c N, --ctx_size N size of the prompt context (default: %d)\n", params.n_ctx); fprintf(stderr, " --ignore-eos ignore end of stream token and continue generating (implies --logit-bias 2-inf)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --no-penalize-nl do not penalize newline token\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --memory_f32 use f32 instead of f16 for memory key+value\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --temp N temperature (default: %.1f)\n", (double)params.temp); fprintf(stderr, " --n_parts N number of model parts (default: -1 = determine from dimensions)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -b N, --batch_size N batch size for prompt processing (default: %d)\n", params.n_batch); fprintf(stderr, " --perplexity compute perplexity over the prompt\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --keep number of tokens to keep from the initial prompt (default: %d, -1 = all)\n", params.n_keep); if (llama_mlock_supported()) { fprintf(stderr, " --mlock force system to keep model in RAM rather than swapping or compressing\n"); } if (llama_mmap_supported()) { fprintf(stderr, " --no-mmap do not memory-map model (slower load but may reduce pageouts if not using mlock)\n"); } fprintf(stderr, " --mtest compute maximum memory usage\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --verbose-prompt print prompt before generation\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --lora FNAME apply LoRA adapter (implies --no-mmap)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --lora-base FNAME optional model to use as a base for the layers modified by the LoRA adapter\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -m FNAME, --model FNAME\n"); fprintf(stderr, " model path (default: %s)\n", params.model.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } std::string gpt_random_prompt(std::mt19937 & rng) { const int r = rng() % 10; switch (r) { case 0: return "So"; case 1: return "Once upon a time"; case 2: return "When"; case 3: return "The"; case 4: return "After"; case 5: return "If"; case 6: return "import"; case 7: return "He"; case 8: return "She"; case 9: return "They"; default: return "To"; } return "The"; } // TODO: not great allocating this every time std::vector llama_tokenize(struct llama_context * ctx, const std::string & text, bool add_bos) { // initialize to prompt numer of chars, since n_tokens <= n_prompt_chars std::vector res(text.size() + (int) add_bos); const int n = llama_tokenize(ctx, text.c_str(), res.data(), res.size(), add_bos); assert(n >= 0); res.resize(n); return res; } struct llama_context * llama_init_from_gpt_params(const gpt_params & params) { auto lparams = llama_context_default_params(); lparams.n_ctx = params.n_ctx; lparams.n_parts = params.n_parts; lparams.seed = params.seed; lparams.f16_kv = params.memory_f16; lparams.use_mmap = params.use_mmap; lparams.use_mlock = params.use_mlock; lparams.logits_all = params.perplexity; lparams.embedding = params.embedding; llama_context * lctx = llama_init_from_file(params.model.c_str(), lparams); if (lctx == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: failed to load model '%s'\n", __func__, params.model.c_str()); return NULL; } if (!params.lora_adapter.empty()) { int err = llama_apply_lora_from_file(lctx, params.lora_adapter.c_str(), params.lora_base.empty() ? NULL : params.lora_base.c_str(), params.n_threads); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: failed to apply lora adapter\n", __func__); return NULL; } } return lctx; } void console_init(console_state & con_st) { #if defined(_WIN32) // Windows-specific console initialization DWORD dwMode = 0; con_st.hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (con_st.hConsole == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !GetConsoleMode(con_st.hConsole, &dwMode)) { con_st.hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); if (con_st.hConsole != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && (!GetConsoleMode(con_st.hConsole, &dwMode))) { con_st.hConsole = NULL; } } if (con_st.hConsole) { // Enable ANSI colors on Windows 10+ if (con_st.use_color && !(dwMode & ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING)) { SetConsoleMode(con_st.hConsole, dwMode | ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING); } // Set console output codepage to UTF8 SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8); } HANDLE hConIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (hConIn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && GetConsoleMode(hConIn, &dwMode)) { // Set console input codepage to UTF16 _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_WTEXT); // Turn off ICANON (ENABLE_LINE_INPUT) and ECHO (ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT) dwMode &= ~(ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT); SetConsoleMode(hConIn, dwMode); } #else // POSIX-specific console initialization struct termios new_termios; tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &con_st.prev_state); new_termios = con_st.prev_state; new_termios.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); new_termios.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; new_termios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &new_termios); con_st.tty = fopen("/dev/tty", "w+"); if (con_st.tty != nullptr) { con_st.out = con_st.tty; } setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif } void console_cleanup(console_state & con_st) { // Reset console color console_set_color(con_st, CONSOLE_COLOR_DEFAULT); #if !defined(_WIN32) if (con_st.tty != nullptr) { con_st.out = stdout; fclose(con_st.tty); con_st.tty = nullptr; } // Restore the terminal settings on POSIX systems tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &con_st.prev_state); #endif } /* Keep track of current color of output, and emit ANSI code if it changes. */ void console_set_color(console_state & con_st, console_color_t color) { if (con_st.use_color && con_st.color != color) { fflush(stdout); switch(color) { case CONSOLE_COLOR_DEFAULT: fprintf(con_st.out, ANSI_COLOR_RESET); break; case CONSOLE_COLOR_PROMPT: fprintf(con_st.out, ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW); break; case CONSOLE_COLOR_USER_INPUT: fprintf(con_st.out, ANSI_BOLD ANSI_COLOR_GREEN); break; } con_st.color = color; fflush(con_st.out); } } char32_t getchar32() { wchar_t wc = getwchar(); if (static_cast(wc) == WEOF) { return WEOF; } #if WCHAR_MAX == 0xFFFF if ((wc >= 0xD800) && (wc <= 0xDBFF)) { // Check if wc is a high surrogate wchar_t low_surrogate = getwchar(); if ((low_surrogate >= 0xDC00) && (low_surrogate <= 0xDFFF)) { // Check if the next wchar is a low surrogate return (static_cast(wc & 0x03FF) << 10) + (low_surrogate & 0x03FF) + 0x10000; } } if ((wc >= 0xD800) && (wc <= 0xDFFF)) { // Invalid surrogate pair return 0xFFFD; // Return the replacement character U+FFFD } #endif return static_cast(wc); } void pop_cursor(console_state & con_st) { #if defined(_WIN32) if (con_st.hConsole != NULL) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO bufferInfo; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(con_st.hConsole, &bufferInfo); COORD newCursorPosition = bufferInfo.dwCursorPosition; if (newCursorPosition.X == 0) { newCursorPosition.X = bufferInfo.dwSize.X - 1; newCursorPosition.Y -= 1; } else { newCursorPosition.X -= 1; } SetConsoleCursorPosition(con_st.hConsole, newCursorPosition); return; } #endif putc('\b', con_st.out); } int estimateWidth(char32_t codepoint) { #if defined(_WIN32) return 1; #else return wcwidth(codepoint); #endif } int put_codepoint(console_state & con_st, const char* utf8_codepoint, size_t length, int expectedWidth) { #if defined(_WIN32) CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO bufferInfo; if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(con_st.hConsole, &bufferInfo)) { // go with the default return expectedWidth; } COORD initialPosition = bufferInfo.dwCursorPosition; DWORD nNumberOfChars = length; WriteConsole(con_st.hConsole, utf8_codepoint, nNumberOfChars, &nNumberOfChars, NULL); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO newBufferInfo; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(con_st.hConsole, &newBufferInfo); // Figure out our real position if we're in the last column if (utf8_codepoint[0] != 0x09 && initialPosition.X == newBufferInfo.dwSize.X - 1) { DWORD nNumberOfChars; WriteConsole(con_st.hConsole, &" \b", 2, &nNumberOfChars, NULL); GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(con_st.hConsole, &newBufferInfo); } int width = newBufferInfo.dwCursorPosition.X - initialPosition.X; if (width < 0) { width += newBufferInfo.dwSize.X; } return width; #else // we can trust expectedWidth if we've got one if (expectedWidth >= 0 || con_st.tty == nullptr) { fwrite(utf8_codepoint, length, 1, con_st.out); return expectedWidth; } fputs("\033[6n", con_st.tty); // Query cursor position int x1, x2, y1, y2; int results = 0; results = fscanf(con_st.tty, "\033[%d;%dR", &y1, &x1); fwrite(utf8_codepoint, length, 1, con_st.tty); fputs("\033[6n", con_st.tty); // Query cursor position results += fscanf(con_st.tty, "\033[%d;%dR", &y2, &x2); if (results != 4) { return expectedWidth; } int width = x2 - x1; if (width < 0) { // Calculate the width considering text wrapping struct winsize w; ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); width += w.ws_col; } return width; #endif } void replace_last(console_state & con_st, char ch) { #if defined(_WIN32) pop_cursor(con_st); put_codepoint(con_st, &ch, 1, 1); #else fprintf(con_st.out, "\b%c", ch); #endif } void append_utf8(char32_t ch, std::string & out) { if (ch <= 0x7F) { out.push_back(static_cast(ch)); } else if (ch <= 0x7FF) { out.push_back(static_cast(0xC0 | ((ch >> 6) & 0x1F))); out.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | (ch & 0x3F))); } else if (ch <= 0xFFFF) { out.push_back(static_cast(0xE0 | ((ch >> 12) & 0x0F))); out.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | ((ch >> 6) & 0x3F))); out.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | (ch & 0x3F))); } else if (ch <= 0x10FFFF) { out.push_back(static_cast(0xF0 | ((ch >> 18) & 0x07))); out.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | ((ch >> 12) & 0x3F))); out.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | ((ch >> 6) & 0x3F))); out.push_back(static_cast(0x80 | (ch & 0x3F))); } else { // Invalid Unicode code point } } // Helper function to remove the last UTF-8 character from a string void pop_back_utf8_char(std::string & line) { if (line.empty()) { return; } size_t pos = line.length() - 1; // Find the start of the last UTF-8 character (checking up to 4 bytes back) for (size_t i = 0; i < 3 && pos > 0; ++i, --pos) { if ((line[pos] & 0xC0) != 0x80) break; // Found the start of the character } line.erase(pos); } bool console_readline(console_state & con_st, std::string & line) { console_set_color(con_st, CONSOLE_COLOR_USER_INPUT); if (con_st.out != stdout) { fflush(stdout); } line.clear(); std::vector widths; bool is_special_char = false; bool end_of_stream = false; char32_t input_char; while (true) { fflush(con_st.out); // Ensure all output is displayed before waiting for input input_char = getchar32(); if (input_char == '\r' || input_char == '\n') { break; } if (input_char == WEOF || input_char == 0x04 /* Ctrl+D*/) { end_of_stream = true; break; } if (is_special_char) { console_set_color(con_st, CONSOLE_COLOR_USER_INPUT); replace_last(con_st, line.back()); is_special_char = false; } if (input_char == '\033') { // Escape sequence char32_t code = getchar32(); if (code == '[' || code == 0x1B) { // Discard the rest of the escape sequence while ((code = getchar32()) != WEOF) { if ((code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z') || (code >= 'a' && code <= 'z') || code == '~') { break; } } } } else if (input_char == 0x08 || input_char == 0x7F) { // Backspace if (!widths.empty()) { int count; do { count = widths.back(); widths.pop_back(); // Move cursor back, print space, and move cursor back again for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { replace_last(con_st, ' '); pop_cursor(con_st); } pop_back_utf8_char(line); } while (count == 0 && !widths.empty()); } } else { int offset = line.length(); append_utf8(input_char, line); int width = put_codepoint(con_st, line.c_str() + offset, line.length() - offset, estimateWidth(input_char)); if (width < 0) { width = 0; } widths.push_back(width); } if (!line.empty() && (line.back() == '\\' || line.back() == '/')) { console_set_color(con_st, CONSOLE_COLOR_PROMPT); replace_last(con_st, line.back()); is_special_char = true; } } bool has_more = con_st.multiline_input; if (is_special_char) { replace_last(con_st, ' '); pop_cursor(con_st); char last = line.back(); line.pop_back(); if (last == '\\') { line += '\n'; fputc('\n', con_st.out); has_more = !has_more; } else { // llama will just eat the single space, it won't act as a space if (line.length() == 1 && line.back() == ' ') { line.clear(); pop_cursor(con_st); } has_more = false; } } else { if (end_of_stream) { has_more = false; } else { line += '\n'; fputc('\n', con_st.out); } } fflush(con_st.out); return has_more; }