path: root/examples/jeopardy/questions.txt
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authorCRD716 <crd716@gmail.com>2023-04-28 11:13:33 -0500
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-04-28 19:13:33 +0300
commit5fba3c016bfd1d73a070e7c93dac14162ce118d0 (patch)
treecddf05d07766950f565f3b4bb644ba9466d240cc /examples/jeopardy/questions.txt
parent1481a9cf25ea2e4abef6b13a57660a35f3e66af1 (diff)
examples : add Jeopardy example (#1168)
* Basic Setup * Prevent Results.txt from coming up * Prefixes, Line separators, etc * editorcheck * introduction to give more consistent results * Basic graph thing * Grading, ready for testing! * Y'all ready to get funky? * fix column removal stuff * missed a few
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/jeopardy/questions.txt')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/jeopardy/questions.txt b/examples/jeopardy/questions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eea78a0
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+Which man born in 1932 was the son of a percussionist in the CBS radio orchestra has been nominated for 53 Oscars?
+What work in English Literature says: 'The mind is its own place, & in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. What matter where, if I be still the same'?
+Known for more philosophical works, he wrote the play 'La Mandragola', in which Florentines are rewarded for immoral actions?
+James Cook's account of a 1774 visit where records an object 'near 27 feet long, and upwards of 8 feet over the breast or shoulders'?
+England's 'Bloody Assizes' & a 1685 life sentence for perjury were 2 main origins of which amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
+Which nobel peace price winners each lived at times on Vilakazi St. in Soweto , so it claims to be the world's only street home to 2 Nobel Peace Prize winners?
+In 1966, the year of who's death did he share plans for an experimental prototype community in Florida?
+Of the 13 nations through which the Equator passes, what is the only one whose coastline borders the Caribbean Sea?
+Which decorative items in fashion history get their name from their origin in the port city of Strasbourg, on the border of France & Germany?
+What 1980's movie is based on an off-Broadway play with just 3 characters and won the Best Picture Oscar & the actors in all 3 roles were nominated?
+A 2012 book review for which novelist noted subjects that 'sparked his ire': capital punishment, big tobacco & 'the plight of the unjustly convicted'?
+A 1940 headline about what 20th Century Eponym included 'failure', 'liability when it came to offense' & 'stout hearts no match for tanks'?
+Over 700 years after its traditional 1252 founding date, what port city became associated with a psychological response?
+The success of what brand has its roots with a hydrotherapy pump its cofounder created for his son, who had arthritis?
+In a periodical in 1807, what American Author called New York City 'Gotham, Gotham! Most enlightened of cities'?
+What symbol is a rotated V in math and a feeling of some marginalized or underrepresented people in society?
+Monty Norman, the composer of what character's theme, said the staccato riff conveyed sexiness, mystery & ruthlessness?
+What American Novelist served with an airman named Yohannan in World War II & despite what readers might think, he said he enjoyed his service?
+In what Medieval place did one of the participants in an 1170 event say, 'Let us away, knights; he will rise no more'?
+At one time a province of the Roman Empire, what African country kingdom is known to Arabic scholars as Al-Maghrib Al-Aqsa, 'the far west'?
+Congress relented in 1890 after what prospective state said it would wait 100 years rather than come in without the women?
+A writer & producer of what movie said he wanted it to be like a Western or James Bond film, 'only it takes place in the 30s'?
+In 1898 what's been called the first blockbuster art show was devoted to which artist & put on for Queen Wilhelmina's coronation?
+Part of the largest contiguous land empire during the 1200s & 1300s, today what is the world's second-largest landlocked country?
+A 2006 book was titled 'The Poem That Changed America:' What 'Fifty Years Later'?
+Backed by 14,000 troops, who invaded England to restore, in his words, its 'religion, laws, and liberties'?
+After its completion in the late 19th c., what was landmark was called 'a truly tragic street lamp' & a 'high & skinny pyramid of iron ladders'?
+The busiest passenger port in the U.K., what shares its name with a capital of one of the original 13 states?
+This man made lists, perhaps to cope with depression; a set of lists he published in 1852 made whose name synonymous with a type of book?
+An 1869 presidential pardon was granted to which man, due in part to a plea by the Medical Society of Harford County, Maryland?
+Letters, pocket knives, C rations & steel helmets are among the tangible items referred to in the title of what American literature modern war classic?
+What nonfiction book has the line, 'The discovery of America…opened up fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie'?
+A radical Republican championed what 1875 act but the Supreme Court struck it down in 1883; a new version was passed 81 years later?
+Whose brothers, Castor & Pollux, saved her after Theseus stole her away as a kid; a larger force would seek her later in life?
+Once Africa's largest country in area, what African Country dropped to third in 2011 when a portion of it declared independence?
+The ancient writer Galen said books on ships arriving to what city's port were seized, originals kept & copies returned?
+For a special 1970s cookbook, who provided one simple recipe–a can of Campbell's tomato soup & 2 cans of milk?
+Thought to descend from people of Southeast Asia, the Chamorro make up what U.S. territory’s largest ethnic group?
+In office from 2022, the president of what country has taken so many foreign trips a play on his name is 'Ferdinand Magellan Jr.'?
+In 1939 which writer lived on Toulouse Street in the French Quarter & chose the professional name that bonded him to the South?
+What National Park is named for a river indigenous people called Mi tse a-da-zi, translated by French-speaking trappers as 'Pierre Jaune'?
+In 2010 who introduced the 4-point shot, 35 feet from the basket?
+Losses over Asia in the 1960s led to the establishment of the program known as what at a San Diego naval base in 1969?
+A craft that visited what was named for Giotto, based on the story that 680 years earlier, the painter depicted it as the Star of Bethlehem?
+In World War I, 'Cistern' & 'reservoir' were suggested names for what secret invention, but the British preferred this less clumsy monosyllable?
+Until 1806, some German nobles included among their honors the title of 'Elector' for their role in selecting this personage?
+In 1904, wearing a harness, actress Nina Boucicault became the first to play what character onstage?
+Alphabetically the first German city in encyclopedias, what was also the first one taken by the Allies in World War II?
+This Sanskrit word referring to a spoken word or phrase comes from a word for 'to think'?
+1917's 'Elements of Trench Warfare' said what Old West invention was 'difficult to destroy' & 'difficult to get through'?
+Mimi Reinhard, who never learned to type using more than 2 fingers, produced what in World War II with 1,100 names, including hers?
+Poseidon carried off the maiden Theophane & turned her into a ewe; their offspring was the source of what mythical object?
+Published in 2011, P.D. James' final novel, 'Death Comes to Pemberley', was a sequel to what novel from 200 years earlier?
+5 U.S. states have 6-letter names; only which 2 west of the Mississippi River border each other?
+Originally relating to a story of suffering, what word now more commonly refers to strong emotion of any kind?
+The 2007 biopic called 'La Môme' in France, meaning 'The Kid', was released in the U.S. under what other French title?
+Returning home in 1493, Columbus stopped in the Azores at an island with what name, also something he'd lost off the Haiti coast?
+Pskov & Nizhny Novgorod are 2 of the cities that have a fortress called what?
+In the 1950s the New York Times said what author 'is writing about all lust' & his lecherous narrator 'is all of us'?
+At the winter solstice, the sun is in Sagittarius; it once appeared in what constellation, giving a geographic feature its name?
+Mike Post combined the sound of a slamming jail door, an anvil & 100 men stomping on a floor for what television series that debuted in 1990?
+Like Sir Thomas More, 3 16th century English queens are buried at what British location?
+In 1692 Increase Mather wrote, 'It were better that ten suspected' of these who 'escape, than that one innocent person be condemned'?
+The Geography Mnemonic Mimal, sometimes said to be the silhouette of a chef or elf, stands for Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, and what other 2 states?
+What was first sold in 1908, at a price equivalent to about $27,000 today?
+The name of what author dead since 2013 now appears on books written by a former U.S. marshal & a former Apache helicopter pilot?
+The artwork once known in France as 'la tapisserie de la Reine Mathilde' is better known as what?
+In 2022 which pop star became the first woman to have a Billboard Top 10 album in 5 decades starting with the 1980s?
+In one 19th century translation, what female classic tale character 'perceived the dawn of day and ceased' speaking nearly 1,000 times?
+Ironically, though what company founded in the 1860s is Moore County, Tennessee's largest employer, Moore is a dry county?
+After a 1789 event, who wrote, 'My first determination was to seek a supply of…water at Tofoa, & afterwards to sail for Tongataboo'?
+Laurence Olivier & Ernest Borgnine were considered for the lead role & Sergio Leone to direct for what film that turned 50 in 2022?
+Until a 1903 secession, what country's contiguous territory spanned 2 continents?
+Early in her career which foreign-born author translated romance novels into Spanish, often changing the dialogue to make the heroines smarter?
+Saying it was stolen by Napoleon, self-styled Italian patriot Vincenzo Peruggia took what in 1911?
+Continuing a downward trend, in July 2022 what US body of water was at 27% capacity, its lowest level since 1937 when it was first being filled?
+Each morning which goddess began her ride in her chariot across the sky ahead of her brother Sol, or Helios?
+Until the Civil War, the Jan. 8 date of what American battle of dubious military importance but big morale value was a national holiday?
+Which children's book title character is told 'By the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off your eyes drop out & you get shabby'?
+In a TV reunion over 40 years in the making, Dolly Parton appeared as an angel named Agnes in the final episode of what comedy in 2022?
+In an 1847 American poem what character sees her town of Grand-Pré burned, but finally reunites with her beau for a kiss before his death?
+In 2001 who published a book called 'Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall'; in 2002, 'Existencilism'?
+The title object of what childrens book 'never looked more beautiful each strand held dozens of bright drops of early morning dew'?
+The shouts of excited children at a 1946 holiday parade are said to have inspired what perennial classic song favorite?
+Unable to make what candies perfectly round, the confectioner embraced this flawed name for the product?
+What country is home to 58 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, more than any other country; the sites include a volcano & a lagoon?
+What action movie's last line is 'If this is their idea of Christmas, I gotta be here for New Years'?
+Only 3 presidents have married while in office— John Tyler was the first & which one was the last?
+Demonstrating the dignity & humanity of Black Americans, who sat for 160 known photographs, the most of any American in the 19th century?
+Originally, which Latin 3-word phrase referred to when a doctor or apothecary substituted one medicine for another?
+The 1975 premiere of what movie comedy advertised free coconuts for the first thousand in the audience?
+A cocktail, an island & a WWII venture originally called 'Development of Substitute Materials' all bear what name?
+Which US President was sworn in twice as President within 2 years, first by his father & then later by a former U.S. President?
+A 1609 story in which an exiled king of Bulgaria creates a sea palace with his magic may have inspired the plot of what play?
+In 2009, during a 20th anniversary celebration, what landmark was called 'an edifice of fear. On Nov. 9, it became a place of joy'?
+Among what world capital's nicknames are the 'City of Classical Music' &, possibly in honor of a famous resident from 1860 to 1938, the 'City of Dreams'?
+Now meaning someone with nocturnal habits, what catches a sleeping dove in Shakespeare's 'Lucrece'?
+The stars on what country's flag represent states, 26 of them; unlike the USA's, its 'federal district' gets its own 27th star?
+What father was the only man among the 13 plaintiffs in a US class-action case filed in 1951?
+Reversing the story of what heroine she created, childrens author Patricia Maclachlan was born on the prairie but spent much of her life in New England?