path: root/convert-pth-to-ggml.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'convert-pth-to-ggml.py')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/convert-pth-to-ggml.py b/convert-pth-to-ggml.py
index dcef2f6..f87ac27 100644
--- a/convert-pth-to-ggml.py
+++ b/convert-pth-to-ggml.py
@@ -1,274 +1,11 @@
-# Convert a LLaMA model checkpoint to a ggjt compatible file
-# Load the model using Torch
-# Iterate over all variables and write them to a binary file.
-# For each variable, write the following:
-# - Number of dimensions (int)
-# - Name length (int)
-# - Dimensions (int[n_dims])
-# - Name (char[name_length])
-# - Data (float[n_dims])
-# At the start of the ggml file we write the model parameters
-# and vocabulary.
+# Compatibility stub
import argparse
-import os
-import sys
-import json
-import struct
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from sentencepiece import SentencePieceProcessor
+import convert
-QK = 32
-GGML_TYPE_Q4_0 = 0
-GGML_TYPE_Q4_1 = 1
-GGML_TYPE_I16 = 3
-GGML_TYPE_I32 = 4
-GGML_TYPE_F16 = 5
-GGML_TYPE_F32 = 6
- 0: GGML_TYPE_F32,
- 1: GGML_TYPE_F16,
- 2: GGML_TYPE_Q4_0,
- 3: GGML_TYPE_Q4_1,
- GGML_TYPE_I8: 1,
- GGML_TYPE_I16: 1,
- GGML_TYPE_I32: 1,
- GGML_TYPE_F16: 1,
- GGML_TYPE_F32: 1,
- GGML_TYPE_Q4_0: 4 + QK//2,
- GGML_TYPE_Q4_1: 4*2 + QK//2,
- GGML_TYPE_I8: 1,
- GGML_TYPE_I16: 2,
- GGML_TYPE_I32: 4,
- GGML_TYPE_F16: 2,
- GGML_TYPE_F32: 4,
-def ggml_nelements(shape):
- r = 1
- for i in shape:
- r *= i
- return r
-def ggml_nbytes(shape, ftype):
- x = ggml_nelements(shape)
- t = WTYPES[ftype]
- x *= GGML_TYPE_SIZE[t]
- x //= GGML_BLCK_SIZE[t]
- return x
-def parse_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert a LLaMA model checkpoint to a ggml compatible file')
- parser.add_argument('dir_model', help='directory containing the model checkpoint')
- parser.add_argument('ftype', help='file type (0: float32, 1: float16)', type=int, choices=[0, 1], default=1)
- parser.add_argument('vocab_only', help='only write vocab to file', type=int, default=0, nargs='?')
- return parser.parse_args()
-def get_n_parts(dim):
- mappings = {4096: 1, 5120: 2, 6656: 4, 8192: 8}
- n_parts = mappings.get(dim)
- if n_parts is None:
- print(f"Invalid dim: {dim}")
- sys.exit(1)
- print(f"n_parts = {n_parts}\n")
- return n_parts
-def load_hparams_and_tokenizer(dir_model):
- # `dir_model` is something like `models/7B` or `models/7B/`.
- # "tokenizer.model" is expected under model's parent dir.
- # When `dir_model` is a symlink, f"{dir_model}/../tokenizer.model" would not be found.
- # Let's use the model's parent dir directly.
- model_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(dir_model))
- fname_hparams = f"{dir_model}/params.json"
- fname_tokenizer = f"{model_parent_dir}/tokenizer.model"
- with open(fname_hparams, "r") as f:
- hparams = json.load(f)
- print(hparams)
- tokenizer = SentencePieceProcessor(fname_tokenizer)
- hparams.update({"vocab_size": tokenizer.vocab_size()})
- return hparams, tokenizer
-def write_header(fout, hparams, ftype):
- keys = ["vocab_size", "dim", "multiple_of", "n_heads", "n_layers"]
- values = [
- 0x67676a74, # magic: ggjt in hex
- 1, # file version
- *[hparams[key] for key in keys],
- hparams["dim"] // hparams["n_heads"], # rot (obsolete)
- ftype
- ]
- fout.write(struct.pack("i" * len(values), *values))
-def write_tokens(fout, tokenizer):
- for i in range(tokenizer.vocab_size()):
- if tokenizer.is_unknown(i):
- text = " \u2047 ".encode()
- elif tokenizer.is_control(i):
- text = b""
- elif tokenizer.is_byte(i):
- piece = tokenizer.id_to_piece(i)
- if len(piece) != 6:
- print(f"Invalid token: {piece}")
- sys.exit(1)
- byte_value = int(piece[3:-1], 16)
- text = struct.pack("B", byte_value)
- else:
- text = tokenizer.id_to_piece(i).replace("\u2581", " ").encode()
- fout.write(struct.pack("i", len(text)))
- fout.write(text)
- fout.write(struct.pack("f", tokenizer.get_score(i)))
-def process_and_write_variables(fout, model, ftype, part_id, n_parts):
- for name, datao in model.items():
- if name.endswith("freqs"):
- continue
- # remove dimensions with a single element
- data = datao.numpy().squeeze()
- partshape = data.shape
- n_dims = len(data.shape)
- assert n_dims in (1, 2)
- print(f"Processing variable: {name} with shape: {partshape} and type: {datao.dtype}")
- # coerce single-dimensional tensors from float16 to float32
- ftype_cur = 1
- if ftype == 0 or n_dims == 1:
- print(" Converting to float32")
- data = data.astype(np.float32)
- ftype_cur = 0
- blck_size = GGML_BLCK_SIZE[WTYPES[ftype_cur]]
- type_size = GGML_TYPE_SIZE[WTYPES[ftype_cur]]
- # determine dimension along which multipart tensor is sharded
- #
- # split_dim 0 regex:
- # - output.*
- # - layers.*.attention.wq.weight
- # - layers.*.attention.wk.weight
- # - layers.*.attention.wv.weight
- # - layers.*.feed_forward.w1.weight
- # - layers.*.feed_forward.w3.weight
- #
- # split_dim 1 regex:
- # - tok_embeddings.*
- # - layers.*.attention.wo.weight
- # - layers.*.feed_forward.w2.weight
- #
- if n_dims > 1:
- split_dim = 1
- if "tok_embeddings" in name:
- split_dim = 1
- elif "layers" in name:
- if "attention.wo.weight" in name:
- split_dim = 1
- elif "feed_forward.w2.weight" in name:
- split_dim = 1
- else:
- split_dim = 0
- elif "output" in name:
- split_dim = 0
- # output tensor header
- fullshape = list(partshape)
- if n_dims > 1:
- fullshape[split_dim] *= n_parts
- sname = name.encode()
- fout.write(struct.pack("iii", n_dims, len(sname), ftype_cur))
- for dim in reversed(fullshape):
- fout.write(struct.pack("i", dim))
- fout.write(sname)
- # ensure tensor data is aligned
- tensor_data_offset = fout.tell()
- while tensor_data_offset % QK != 0:
- fout.write(struct.pack("B", 0))
- tensor_data_offset += 1
- # output unified mappable tensor data
- if n_dims == 1 or n_parts == 1:
- # copy tensor which we thankfully received in one piece
- if part_id == 0:
- data.tofile(fout)
- elif split_dim == 0:
- # reassemble multifile tensor containing some of the rows
- rows_per_chunk = partshape[0]
- current_row = part_id * rows_per_chunk
- bytes_per_row = fullshape[1] // blck_size * type_size
- offset = current_row * bytes_per_row
- fout.seek(tensor_data_offset + offset)
- data.tofile(fout)
- elif split_dim == 1:
- # reassemble multifile tensor containing some of the cols
- cols_per_chunk = partshape[1]
- current_col = part_id * cols_per_chunk
- bytes_per_row = fullshape[1] // blck_size * type_size
- offset_current_col = current_col // blck_size * type_size
- for row in range(partshape[0]):
- offset_row = row * bytes_per_row
- offset = offset_row + offset_current_col
- fout.seek(tensor_data_offset + offset)
- data[row].tofile(fout)
- # advance file position to next tensor
- fout.seek(tensor_data_offset + ggml_nbytes(fullshape, ftype_cur))
-def main():
- args = parse_args()
- dir_model = args.dir_model
- ftype = args.ftype
- ftype_str = ["f32", "f16"]
- hparams, tokenizer = load_hparams_and_tokenizer(dir_model)
- print(args)
- # if only writing vocab to file
- if args.vocab_only:
- fname_model = f"{dir_model}/consolidated.00.pth"
- fname_out = f"{dir_model}/ggml-vocab.bin"
- print(f"Extracting only the vocab from '{fname_model}'\n")
- with open(fname_out, "wb") as fout:
- write_header(fout, hparams, ftype)
- write_tokens(fout, tokenizer)
- print(f"Done. Output file: {fname_out}\n")
- return
- n_parts = get_n_parts(hparams["dim"])
- fname_out = f"{dir_model}/ggml-model-{ftype_str[ftype]}.bin"
- # we output a single file for ggml
- with open(fname_out, "wb") as fout:
- write_header(fout, hparams, ftype)
- write_tokens(fout, tokenizer)
- offset_of_tensors = fout.tell()
- # the tensors we load could be split across multiple files
- for part_id in range(n_parts):
- fout.seek(offset_of_tensors)
- print(f"Processing part {part_id+1} of {n_parts}\n")
- fname_model = f"{dir_model}/consolidated.0{part_id}.pth"
- model = torch.load(fname_model, map_location="cpu")
- process_and_write_variables(fout, model, ftype, part_id, n_parts)
- del model
- print(f"Done. Output file: {fname_out}\n")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert a LLaMA model checkpoint to a ggml compatible file')
+parser.add_argument('dir_model', help='directory containing the model checkpoint')
+parser.add_argument('ftype', help='file type (0: float32, 1: float16)', type=int, choices=[0, 1], default=1)
+args = parser.parse_args()
+convert.main(['--outtype', 'f16' if args.ftype == 1 else 'f32', '--', args.dir_model])